Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Beginnings

So I am back! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my blog, why? Well, partly because I wanted to focus more on school and making sure I got the crazy amounts of reading and writing I had to do done. Other than that, I honestly did not know where I wanted to take my blog. Many bloggers say that you have to find your niche, the topic that your blog fits into. That basically stumped me. I didn’t have one subject that I loved enough to talk about all the time; I had many subjects I wanted to talk about so I became stumped. I wanted to blog, but I didn’t know what my niche would be. Then recently, I realized that my favorite blogs to read are those that talk about more than one subject. Those that post about their daily life along with other interests that they have. Therefore, I decided to forget about finding a niche! I’m just going to regularly post about whatever it is I want to write about. This blog will now have posts about books, movies, games, makeup, fashion, cooking, everyday life, and whatever else I feel I want to write about.

With that established, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy this new direction I am going and stay tuned to new weekly posts!

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