So it's a new year and once again, a new blog reboot. Oops. I've decided to just write about the main thing I'm passionate about...books. Will I throw some life stuff in there too? Maybe. But this is now a book blog. Because I love books, because I want to talk about books, and because its the one thing that I'm really passionate about.
Going into the new year means that it's time to make new goals. This year I have one main reading goal - to read more books. I, again, have an overall goal to read 52 books. I want to read more in general though, I realized that I can read while doing other stuff. While watching movies or TV, I can read! While driving to work, I can read! When exercising (not that I do that much anyway), I can read! Reading doesn't have to be the only thing that's going on. Have I always known this? Yes. But I haven't always done that for some reason. So I'm going to read more. I also have an insane TBR, its out of control. I need to read all the books that are just chilling on my shelf.
I would also like to read more variety, at least one book of various genres this year. Perhaps some literary fiction, some humor, a classic, books from diverse authors, etc. I don't think it'll be too hard, I have some humor, literary fiction, and a classic that I'm excited to read. I'm kind of hoping that running a blog about books will inspire me to read more and read more critically. We'll see what happens.
For January I plan on reading:
- Strange the Dreamer, by Laini Taylor - I actually finished this a couple days ago. I've been wanting to read it for so long and happened to see Muse of Nightmares on sale for half off at Barnes and Noble so I can now binge read it.
- Muse of Nightmares, by Laini Taylor - The finale in this duology. So I'm binge-reading both! I'm not going to let myself get behind on series this year. I'm not going to read one book and then wait three years to read the next book. So here we go. Stopping that habit.
- Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth, by Rick Riordon - an easier book to read in-between and during Muse of Nightmares since Laini Taylor does write a little heavier.
- The Hero of Ages, by Brandon Sanderson - The third book in the Mistborn series that I've been reading on audio during my commute to work for a little over a month now and I'll most likely finish it this month. I listen to this on 1x speed because I love this series so much and I want to savor every moment of listening to this.
- The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams - I started this at the beginning of the month, but could not find my place in the world, so I stopped and plan on committing a reading sin...watching the movie first. Only because I'm really struggling to visualize the world. But I'd like to finish this this month.
Alright! I hope you enjoyed reading :)